If Your Higher Power Is Jesus
A Christian 12 Step Journey Through Addiction
A book by M. Kim Son
Is your life being destroyed by addiction?
If you had the keys to open the door to freedom,
would you take that first step?
The keys are here . . . the choice to walk through the door is Yours.
Kim Son, without fully realizing, lived inside an addicted world for forty years.
She was also a dedicated Christian constantly searching for answers . . . a search which ultimately led to confusion, shame, and despair. But that all changed on the day she sat in her first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and pulled aside the veil to stare at the unvarnished truth.
She was an addict.
But food, not alcohol, was her drug of choice.
With that revelation, Kim began a recovery journey using a Christian application of the Twelve Steps . . .
with Jesus as her Higher Power.
This book takes you from torment to triumph as Kim finally finds the power of God and a new Trust in His love.
• Learn how the Steps can simplify the complications of addiction.
• Learn the two main issues that need to be addressed in order to find freedom.
• Learn how the Biblical principles of the Twelve Steps lead to faith, humility, and healthy dependence on God.
• Learn how pastors, teachers, family members, or friends can reach out to someone who has an addiction.
This is your time.
Come have a “front porch conversation” with someone who’s been there, and walk away with the hope you need to begin a new way of living!
“What we discover in recovery, is how to live life in a way that works.”
— Kim Son
Life was a struggle, and I spent years using compulsive food binges to avoid emotional pain. It was an addiction that purchased temporary relief, but one that never provided a permanent fix. Never, ever. Each addictive reaction was like a shovel digging the hole a little bit deeper . . .
the very hole that I was trapped in and trying to exit.
For me, God ultimately used the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to reveal His healing power. They helped to simplify and clarify what was so easy to complicate. And the instant connection with other people in recovery offered the support and acceptance that gave me the courage to choose a new way of life.
God’s unconditional love did the rest.
As I applied the Twelve Steps with Jesus as my Higher Power, I found the ability to trust, along with a proven pathway of healing for my brokenness.
In the end . . . food lost its power when I allowed God to show me His.
Photo by Amy K Wright
When I first committed to the Twelve Step program, I knew it was going to take guts to go down this road. And I was glad the journey didn’t require me to fly solo. It was also a relief to see that I didn’t have to reinvent the wheel all by myself; there was absolutely no need.
My previous, dysfunctional tendency was to try to do everything on my own, which only created hardship and anguish.
But with the Twelve Steps, I could see that the tools were in place, the support was there, and all I had to do was jump in and take one step forward.
It’s okay. Don’t be afraid.
Just begin.
— Kim Son